Thursday, 21 November 2013

Dialogue Questions

We followed two girls around the hallways, and we listened to them for about 3 minutes until they turned a corner where it might be really obvious that we were following them. We also followed a group of 2 guys and 1 girl. It was weird to write down everything they were saying, but I listen to peoples conversations all the time so it wasn't that weird. One thing we noticed was the manner in which they spoke. The two girls spoke like they were good friends, being very honest and agreeing with each others opinions. The other group didn't seem to be very good friends, it was a very one sided conversation with the girl trying to impress the 2 guys. This could be applied to your writing by knowing who your characters friends are, your characters conversation would be more personal with their friends than a group of people they barely know. Peoples character can be revealed through conversation by the tone of their voice, and also through exaggerations they use. If the conversation is very one-sided, that person may just be talking for the sake of talking. When more than two people join a conversation, it becomes louder as everyone is trying to get there ideas heard, or it becomes a conversation between 2 people with 1 person listening. It's surprising to hear how many conversations are just pointless. I don't think any of the people in these conversations are benefitting from talking about how annoying their parents are. Written conversations usually have a point, and are there for a reason. They are often very descriptive in describing body language and emotions in their voice. Spoken conversations tend to be very pointless, and don't contain much meaning. You wouldn't put a spoken conversation into a story, as it doesn't benefit to the plot in any way.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Banner Illustrator

Heres a link to the amazing artist that created these great images of the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors!


Here are some of the songs I've been enjoying lately, some are obviously a bit inappropriate so viewer discretion!

Lady Gaga "Do What You Want" FT. R. Kelly
I heard this for the first time on SNL and its so great. Lady Gaga is fabulous.

Lily Allen "Hard Out Here"
I like this song a lot, it's obviously satirical and interesting. The song contains a lot of rude language, so watch out for that. But over all, super catchy

Britney Spears "Work B****"
Another song with inappropriate language, but soooo catchy, it just makes you want to work harder. 

Imagery Passage

1. I chose this passage from the book Insurgent. Since we've been talking about imagery in our class, I've started to notice how much different types of imagery there is in this series. This passage appealed to me because the imagery makes me feel like I am in the characters place. The way she describes how she feels when she touches the gun, and her throat tightening, it was very descriptive and makes the reader feel like they are that character. 

2. Kinesthetic imagery is the most common in this passage. The character thoroughly describes what she feels and how she is feeling physically. 

3. I think the phrase "my throat tightens like I am having an allergic reaction" is the best example of kinesthetic imagery. It's really effective because the reader then imagines themselves having an allergic reaction, they begin to feel how the character is feeling.

4. I think the imagery is mostly negative, in the way the character compares her feeling to an allergic reaction, and that she feels suffocated. 

5. I believe the mood in this passage is anxiety, as all the characters descriptions of imagery are somewhat stressful and make the reader nervous to find out what happens next.

6. The purpose of this imagery is for the reader to get a better sense of what the characters sees, and how they character feels. The descriptions of imagery makes it very clear what the character is doing, seeing, and feeling.

Late Night Alien Stick-Up

This was the first night Harvey left the office after 10pm. The meeting lasted longer than expected. It was nearly 10:35 pm, the sky had already been dark since 5. Harvey's apartment is nearly 10 blocks away, and the next bus wasnt for an hour or so. This would have upset Harvey earlier in the day, but he was glad to be out of that cluttered, dingy office surrounded by the smell of his co-workers stale stench.

Harvey stepped out of the building, and feels the heavy, moist texture of the air. It must have rained while he was cramped in that windowless board room. He begins to walk down the street, his brown loafers splashing in the puddles, holding his briefcase in one hand and slicking his hair back with the other. His briefcase was organized and clean, containing the words “Harvey Branson” on a polished piece of brass. Appearance was important to him, as it would be for any agent of the government.

The city is silent around him, except for the sudden breeze he hears gust past, pushing leaves with it. It’s a cold, fall night, colder than the last. Harvey begins to regret not bringing his coat like his wife suggested. He only realises how cold he actually is when he feels the goose bumps arriving on his arms. Harvey questions whether he is actually cold, or if he might be afraid. He has walked down these streets many times before, but never at night. His pace quickens with the thought. Busy with the thoughts of hurrying home, he barely noticed the footsteps behind him. Before he had time to turn around, a hand covered his mouth and shoved him into a phone booth.

Harvey thrashed at the stranger until he felt the head of a gun on the back of his skull. He stopped where he was, not moving a muscle. He looks down at the hand on his mouth. The stranger’s skin was blue, why on earth did this man have blue skin? He felt a weight on his shoulder, but it wasn’t a familiar feeling, not like a hand or a backpack. He looks in the reflection of the glass phone booth to see a monkey grabbing on his coat. He hears it squeal in his ear, followed by a deeper voice from the man.
“Call your boss, we have a little situation we’d like to discuss.”

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Thoughts from Future People

This is an interesting topic that I have actually thought about. It's crazy to think about a life without medicine and like without indoor heating. But I think that will be the same situation for future generations. One thing I think they will question is why we used oil in our vehicles. Hopefully in the future, we will have cars that run on electricity rather than fossil fuels. I bet they will wonder how we could do such a thing to our environment (hopefully, because that will mean somethings actually changed). Another thing they might think is how could we discriminate someone based on their ethnicity, race, gender or sexuality? How could someone be less of a person and not deserve equal rights if they're a woman or if they're African American? It's crazy that this is still an issue in todays society, and hopefully in the future, it will be seen as something you should be ashamed of believing.

Minions for a Week

If I had minions for a week, I'd be extremely upset. Despite everyone thinking they are cute and charming, I think the opposite. Their voices are irritating and remind me of a weird kid I met at summer camp. Not a pleasant memory. I would like them if they were useful to me, they could make me snacks when I need for gymnastics and lunches for school. They could give me massages and fetch me chocolate milk whenever I please (which is a lot). They would have to provide food for themselves, and not speak too loudly as their voices are insufferable.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

have a good day everyone

Meeting Colin Mochrie

I am so happy I got to meet Colin Mochrie. He has been one of my idols ever since I was younger, rushing home from swimming practice to try and catch Whose Line is it Anyway before it was over. I have gotten a lot of my humour from this man, for which I am grateful. I'd never thought I'd meet someone I looked up to so highly (that's probably why I didn't say a word to him, I was too starstruck). It was pretty awesome.

Women Crush Wednesday

I thought I'd share some of the actresses that I'm in love with.
Jennifer Lawrence
J Law is fabulous. She's very relatable to young girls and promotes healthy body images. She's a total bomb shell.

Marina Diamondis
Marina makes great music with her band Marina and the Diamonds. She's a great female figure for girls, and she music focuses on being a strong woman.

Marion Cotillard
I love this ladies face. She's in some of my favourite movies like Inception and Midnight In Paris. I would like to be her.

Rooney Mara
I first saw her in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which I enjoyed. I think she's GORG.
Demi Lovato
She is truly fabulous, I love her music and I think she's a great female figure for young girls to look up to.


Thought I'd share this hilarious video my sister showed to me a couple nights ago. It makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Reading Assignment #5

1- Helping a slave run away #YOLO

2- I aint never seen 2 families hate each other 4 no reason at all

3- Feelin' bummed out, he was too young to die, yes indeed #RIP

4- Back in the raft w/ @Jimtheslave #homesweethome

5- Met the King & Duke today, got us some troubles ahead I suspect

6- Tickets to the Royal Nonesuch, on sale now! #norefunds

7- How can anybody believe such a sham?!!? #clueless

8- I hate having to choose, either way Im doin' something wrong #decisions

9- All I wanted was the raft to me and @Jimtheslave, is that too much to ask?!\

10- Reunited with @TomSawyer 

11- Of course, we cant do anything ordinary @TomSawyer

12- (Retweet from @TomSawyer) RUNNIN' FROM THE COPS! #YOLO

13- Tom has a bullet in his leg, the only person who's happy 'bout it is @TomSawyer

14- @Jimtheslave is now @Jimthefreeman. I knew you was white inside!!

15- Can say with confidence that I am Huck Finn!